Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh, The Stress Abounds

So this week began with me and darling continuing are search for the perfect domicile. We were becoming less picky and more desperate with each passing day. We have also been getting very dishevelled this month. Then on Wednesday;  


Darling found a house in our price range and good location. It's a little bit closer to work too. So we made contact and filled out the rental application and they told us it would take a few days to do the background check. Finally yesterday afternoon I told Darling that I couldn't take this waiting and I was going to drive through neighbourhoods and look for more rentals. Then a couple hours later. . .


They call to say our application was approved; the house is ours
if we want it. Thank You Universe. Thank you thank you.
Now we begin the fun fun process of going through every item we own and Packing, Donating, or Tossing in the trash.
Fun fun fun, did I mention that?

1 comment:

  1. So glad you found a nice house out of the Kopper killer zone! Hope your moving/packing adventure is less stressful than the house search. Much love and lots of missing ya!
