Sunday, September 04, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Flamingos and Clovers blog. It has been exactly 1 year. I haven't posted as much as I would like. I told myself I would visit once a week to post my creations. I haven't posted any of my creations, but I have created. I have also organized my crafts more this year than ever before. Especially with the jewelry making supplies. One of my biggest problems is I will see something I like in a catalog, on the web, or on TV and I'll say to myself, "I can do that." Then I'll go out and buy way more that I needed because I'll get even more ideas while I'm in the store. I've had to put a stop to that. I haven't completely halted those kind of purchases, I just won't go to the bead or hardware store unless more than one project cannot be finished. I've also been making a lot more lists. Lists of what I want to do, to make, to purchase. Lists that of what I own and of what I can live without.  So Happy Birthdays Flamingos and Clovers.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

This Blog

I have thought of this blog from time to time this month. But too many things in my life have been getting in the way. I still prefer Blogspot to Tumblr. But Tumblr is more fun to window shop through. Maybe I just prefer Blogspot because this is where I had my "Blog cherry" popped. :)

It's April 28th, 2 more days will be a new month and a new start.
I'll still have Shop stuff to balance. But we'll be officially moved in to the new place. Now the real fun begins... Decorating! This place has so much space. I can't wait!
More to come, stay tuned.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Oh, The Stress Abounds

So this week began with me and darling continuing are search for the perfect domicile. We were becoming less picky and more desperate with each passing day. We have also been getting very dishevelled this month. Then on Wednesday;  


Darling found a house in our price range and good location. It's a little bit closer to work too. So we made contact and filled out the rental application and they told us it would take a few days to do the background check. Finally yesterday afternoon I told Darling that I couldn't take this waiting and I was going to drive through neighbourhoods and look for more rentals. Then a couple hours later. . .


They call to say our application was approved; the house is ours
if we want it. Thank You Universe. Thank you thank you.
Now we begin the fun fun process of going through every item we own and Packing, Donating, or Tossing in the trash.
Fun fun fun, did I mention that?

Sunday, April 03, 2011

This Looks Amazing, yummers

in words and pictures: Lime and Cilantro Quinoa Salad: "I asked fans of the radmegan facebook page what sorts of recipes they would like to see on this blog. A handful of people requeste..."

1st Post for April

So I started a blog with Tumblr. I feel a bit like I may have sold out.
It's called the same, only dot tumblr dot com.  I admit it was completely peer pressure that finally convinced me. Also it's just another way to get the Flamingos and Clovers name out into circulation.

Tumblr has this Explore section that is really fun and makes the time fly by really really fast. Scary fast. So I see that I'm going to have to ration my computer usage, otherwise I will get nothing done.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Love Crock Pots

Can I just say; that I love crock pots? I have been crockin' the pot since Saturday night. I made 2 quarts of chicken stock this weekend. I've made I don't know how much chicken soup. I have several large jars in the fridge and freezer. :)
So here it is: Leigh's Crockin' Chicken Soup
Chicken Legs & Thighs, Celery, Turnips, Potatoes, Cherry Tomatoes, Purple Onions, Leeks, Garlic, Yuengling Black & Tan, Kosher Sea Salt, Cracked Pepper, and Curry. Something wonderful happened when I added the curry. It's like the curry made all the other ingredients work harder to be noticed. When I took off the lid of the crock pot and had my first taste. There was just a hint of the curry and then everything else was rushing into my mouth. Whoa, that sounded bad. But it's delicious, trust me.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Another Month Lost

Well, I don't know where the month has gone. I've been running around in circles, trying not to crash into walls, or go crazy. I'm going through busy season at work and need to be moved out of my house at the end of April. I haven't found a house yet and I haven't started packing. My life and my house is at it's messiest and most disorganized.

Wednesday, February 09, 2011

New Post

I will be working several hours overtime this week and I think I'll finally be able to post a few photos. I have a new one in my head right now waiting to burst out. Can't wait to show you.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Nothing New...But Ideas

So nothing new on the Flamingo and Clover home front. I haven't created any new jewellery in over a month and it's still too busy to take pictures of what I do have. I have made 5 new terrariums from the Crown Royal and Patron bottles that Brophy's and a Friend were kind enough to provide. (Thank You)  I also finally have a definite workspace for my beads and other crafts. But I don't know the first thing about creating stock. I never make duplicates, each item is completely unique. So I think what I'm going to do is separate the 10 to 12 pieces that I'm most proud of and assemble collections around them. That's the plan for February. Have at least 50 pieces of inventory to start with when I open my Etsy account.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

A Little More

I still haven't been able to find the time to take those pictures I promised to. It's just to busy at work right now. Someday I'll have a digital camera of my own and I wont need to use my employer's camera. I also am hoping to learn how to make my own button for my blog. I have ideas of how I'd like the button to look. But I'm just not that cozy with html code. So that is where I'm at with that.

Friday, January 21, 2011

New Necklaces to Show

I have new necklaces to post. As soon as I take the pictures that is. Unfortunately I plan to use the camera from work and it has been very very busy at work this week. I'm going to work early tomorrow. I'll try to have to pictures soon.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Treadmill Turbulance

Well my treadmill arrived yesterday. My darling was putting it together when I came home from work. It may have been presumptuous to think I could walk for an hour a day. It's a manual treadmill so it takes a little bit of muscle from the walker to get it going and keep it going. If I want the walk to be smooth, I have to fast walk or lightly jog. The moment I slow my pace the tread pauses and ceases its smooth flow. So last night I fast walked for 6 minutes; might have been 7. No it was 6. When I stepped off my legs went from muscles burning to jellowy.

Sunday, January 09, 2011

Things to Do in 2011

I will design 3 pieces of jewelry a week.

I will restrict my facebook visits to
 not more that twice a day.

I will walk on the treadmill 1 hour a day.

I will be back to update this list.

Saturday, January 01, 2011

Happy New Year- 3 no 2 things to take note of

First, I just want to say that Walgreen's has got it going on.
I bought 3 pre-wrapped dark chocolate Whitman's Sampler
boxes and 3 pairs of fuzzy socks. They are also where I go
when I'm have a toe sock craving. Unfortunately none of these items ever made it to their intended. Because I ate the chocolate and wore the socks.

Second, how do I make the word 'Walgreen's' linkable? 
I can type the address in but how do i make just the word a link? 
Oh wait. I just figured it out. (palm hits face)

Second, I just checked my cupboard and refrigerator and
I see I have all the necessary ingredients for crepes. Yaaayyy.
So I made the crepes, only to discover that there is...
no maple syrup.
Not that.
(going into downward spiral of maple syrup withdrawal)
 Then my significant other came home and I told him about my dilemma. I told Him that I was so sure I had a bottle of maple syrup.Do you know where it is? Where could it be? He said, "Well, let's go look." Then He opens the first cupboard door
(that I just looked inside of twice), stands on His tiptoes and  magically deliciously finds the bottle of maple syrup.
I promptly declared my love to my love. "I love you, maple syrup."