Sunday, September 04, 2011

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Flamingos and Clovers blog. It has been exactly 1 year. I haven't posted as much as I would like. I told myself I would visit once a week to post my creations. I haven't posted any of my creations, but I have created. I have also organized my crafts more this year than ever before. Especially with the jewelry making supplies. One of my biggest problems is I will see something I like in a catalog, on the web, or on TV and I'll say to myself, "I can do that." Then I'll go out and buy way more that I needed because I'll get even more ideas while I'm in the store. I've had to put a stop to that. I haven't completely halted those kind of purchases, I just won't go to the bead or hardware store unless more than one project cannot be finished. I've also been making a lot more lists. Lists of what I want to do, to make, to purchase. Lists that of what I own and of what I can live without.  So Happy Birthdays Flamingos and Clovers.